Waste Removal Service in Mere Green

household wastemetal services

Builders clearance services in West MidlandsKitchen fitters waste clearance in West Midlands


shopfitters wasteshopfitters waste


landscapers clearanceany other waste


Household Waste removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste remove and clear all household rubbish and waste from Mere Green; we also remove and clear all garden waste .We aim to recycle 100% of the rubbish and waste. We remove and dispose of carpets, beds, wardrobes, shelves, cupboards, sofas, settees, tables, electrical items, fridges, washing machines and any other household waste item. Call us for more information or to let us know what you need removing, quotations are free.




Metal Services removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste offer a free collection for light iron, larger amounts of light iron can be arranged for collection in Mere Green. We also buy non ferrous metal, lead, copper, cable, aluminium, brass, stainless steel. The system we use is a wheeled cage that can be security tag sealed, call us with your address and we deliver empty cage, when you have filled or finished loading scrap metal, call us for scrap metal collections so we collect and take to our metal recycling facility where we video web cam the emptying of your non ferrous scrap and send to yourselves so you can see your weights. Plumbers, manufacturers, electricians, factory’s anybody that creates scrap metal benefits from this service as they don’t need to leave site, house, factory or any other location. We then pay money by bank transfer to your bank. Please contact us for account details and more information on service.


Builders’ clearance removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste pride ourselves on the service we offer to builders and construction companies in the Mere Green area. We are very efficient in moving building waste as we aim to recycle 100% of our rubbish and waste. Wood, plastic, insulation, cardboard, old windows, plasterboard, glass all light waste can be removed and cleared .Contact us for further information and a free quotation.




Kitchen fitters waste removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste remove and clear all kitchen fitters, rubbish and waste from the mere green area, we aim to recycle the entire waste a kitchen refurbishment creates. Cookers, washing machines, fridges, cupboards, shelves, tiles, plaster, plasterboard, dishwashers all rubbish and waste taken away and disposed of. Some jobs skips aren’t appropriate and our services are much appreciated as customers don’t always want skips on their driveway or premises. Simply call us arrange an exact collection time and we will be there. Please contact us for free kitchen waste disposal service and more information.


Bathroom fitters waste removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste again like kitchen fitters offer a reliable and punctual service to remove all the rubbish and waste a bathroom refurbishment creates. We offer an alternative to skips as they are not always wanted or needed in the mere green area. We clear and dispose of baths, sinks, toilets, tiles, plasterboard, plaster, carpet, fittings and shelving call us for more details and free quote.


Shop fitters waste removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste do a lot of work for shop fitters in the mere green area; we aim to recycle all of the waste to save landfill. We offer a 24 hour service to accommodate your needs with the shop refurbishment in mere green. The use of skips is not needed as we usually remove rubbish straight from shop to waste collection vehicle. All rubbish and waste can be taken, call for a quote and more information.


Landscaper’s waste removal Mere Green

Midlands Metal and Waste can remove all landscapers light rubbish and waste, working with landscapers for over 20 years we understand the disposal needs for landscapers and its punctual removal .Mere green has a lot of landscaping going on all year round and we understand the need to get gone of the waste,  so new materials can come in. We remove wood, trees, bushes, sheds, garden furniture, grass cuttings, conifers, fence panels etc. We recycle all garden waste. Please contact us for quotation and any more information you require.



Rubbish removal Mere Green specialists in all types of rubbish recycling.

Waste removal Mere Green from a single load to multi van contracts.

Garden waste removal Mere Green from a single trunk to landscapers clearance.

Garden rubbish removal Mere Green anything from a bag full to a garden full.

Household waste removal Mere Green including appliances.
Household rubbish removal Mere Green from Midlands Metal & Waste.